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威尼斯的一条街,1882年`A Street in Venice, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

威尼斯的一条街,1882年`A Street in Venice, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

玛蒙崇拜,1909年`The Worship of Mammon, 1909 by Evelyn De Morgan

玛蒙崇拜,1909年`The Worship of Mammon, 1909 by Evelyn De Morgan

证词`The Deposition

证词`The Deposition

拿着一盘水果的女奴`Female Slave with a Plate of Fruit by Jules Joseph Lefebvre

拿着一盘水果的女奴`Female Slave with a Plate of Fruit by Jules Joseph Lefebvre

泰坦妮亚在仙女的保护下在月光下睡觉`Titania Sleeping In The Moonlight Protected By Her Fairies

泰坦妮亚在仙女的保护下在月光下睡觉`Titania Sleeping In The Moonlight Protected By Her Fairies

风景中的裸体`Nude in a Landscape by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

风景中的裸体`Nude in a Landscape by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

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