教学用书画作品著作权 组图

刺绣工`Embroiderers by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

刺绣工`Embroiderers by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

在摄影师工作室举行婚礼`Wedding In The Photographer\’s Studio

在摄影师工作室举行婚礼`Wedding In The Photographer\’s Studio

金鱼`The Goldfish by William Stephen Coleman

金鱼`The Goldfish by William Stephen Coleman

阿姆斯特丹的孤儿女孩`Orphan Girls in Amsterdam

阿姆斯特丹的孤儿女孩`Orphan Girls in Amsterdam

沙洛特夫人`The Lady of Shalott by John Atkinson Grimshaw

沙洛特夫人`The Lady of Shalott by John Atkinson Grimshaw

挪威吉维尼的船`The Boat at Giverny, In the Norwegian by Claude Monet

挪威吉维尼的船`The Boat at Giverny, In the Norwegian by Claude Monet

X夫人,皮埃尔·高图夫人,1883年`Madame X, Madame Pierre Gautreau, 1883 by John Singer Sargent

X夫人,皮埃尔·高图夫人,1883年`Madame X, Madame Pierre Gautreau, 1883 by John Singer Sargent

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