伟人颂中国梦诗书画颁奖 组图

夏日午后`Summer Afternoon by Winslow Homer

夏日午后`Summer Afternoon by Winslow Homer

奴隶贸易谈判`Slave trade negotiations by Fabio Fabbi

奴隶贸易谈判`Slave trade negotiations by Fabio Fabbi

红发女子`Woman with Red Hair by Albert Herter

红发女子`Woman with Red Hair by Albert Herter

春天`Spring by Antonio Rasio

春天`Spring by Antonio Rasio

调情的时刻`A flirtatious moment by Pio Ricci

调情的时刻`A flirtatious moment by Pio Ricci

被圣洁的无辜者包围的圣母和孩子`The Virgin and Child surrounded by the Holy Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens

被圣洁的无辜者包围的圣母和孩子`The Virgin and Child surrounded by the Holy Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens

美国马戏团演员莫德·瓦格纳`Maud Wagner, American circus Performer by Unknown

美国马戏团演员莫德·瓦格纳`Maud Wagner, American circus Performer by Unknown

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