中国书画家院石高玮 组图

耶稣诞生,1508-1519年`The Nativity, 1508-1519 by Juan de Flandes

耶稣诞生,1508-1519年`The Nativity, 1508-1519 by Juan de Flandes

马赛克裸体研究,威斯康星州议会大厦,自由,1913年`Nude Study for Mosaic, Wisconsin State Capitol, Liberty, 1913 by Kenyon Cox

马赛克裸体研究,威斯康星州议会大厦,自由,1913年`Nude Study for Mosaic, Wisconsin State Capitol, Liberty, 1913 by Kenyon Cox

爱的忧郁`Love\’s Melancholy

爱的忧郁`Love\’s Melancholy

船长和大副`The Captain and the Mate

船长和大副`The Captain and the Mate

圣母无原罪始胎`The Immaculate Conception by Juan Sanchez Cotan

圣母无原罪始胎`The Immaculate Conception by Juan Sanchez Cotan

伊丽莎白一世`Elizabeth I

伊丽莎白一世`Elizabeth I

仲夏夜之梦中的一幕`Scene from a Midsummer Night\’s Dream

仲夏夜之梦中的一幕`Scene from a Midsummer Night\’s Dream

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