书画家廖华 组图

戴貂皮的女士,1489-1490年`Lady with an Ermine, 1489-1490 by Leonardo da Vinci

戴貂皮的女士,1489-1490年`Lady with an Ermine, 1489-1490 by Leonardo da Vinci

从早到晚都不曾消磨时光,但某颗黑暗的心却破碎了`Never Morning Wore To Evening But Some Dark Heart Did Break

从早到晚都不曾消磨时光,但某颗黑暗的心却破碎了`Never Morning Wore To Evening But Some Dark Heart Did Break

La Mousme坐在藤椅上`La Mousme, Sitting in a Cane Chair by Vincent van Gogh

La Mousme坐在藤椅上`La Mousme, Sitting in a Cane Chair by Vincent van Gogh

《俘虏》,1915年`The Captives, 1915 by Evelyn De Morgan

《俘虏》,1915年`The Captives, 1915 by Evelyn De Morgan

水晶球,1902年`The Crystal Ball, 1902 by John William Waterhouse

水晶球,1902年`The Crystal Ball, 1902 by John William Waterhouse

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

Humphrey Devereaux夫人`Mrs Humphrey Devereaux

Humphrey Devereaux夫人`Mrs Humphrey Devereaux

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