消防员灭火的素描图片 组图

在五月花号的船舱里签署契约`Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower by Charles Edward Perine

在五月花号的船舱里签署契约`Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower by Charles Edward Perine

玛莎华盛顿,1800-1825年`Martha Washington, 1800-1825 by Gilbert Stuart

玛莎华盛顿,1800-1825年`Martha Washington, 1800-1825 by Gilbert Stuart

《童贞子与音乐天使》,1630年`Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels, 1630 by Anthony van Dyck

《童贞子与音乐天使》,1630年`Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels, 1630 by Anthony van Dyck

在财富和爱情之间`Between Wealth and Love by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

在财富和爱情之间`Between Wealth and Love by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

女模特`Female Model by Thomas Eakins

女模特`Female Model by Thomas Eakins

美穗秋月`Autumn Moon over Miho

美穗秋月`Autumn Moon over Miho

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Stieler

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Stieler

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