开封杜浩书画 组图

黑羽毛帽`Black Feathered Hat

黑羽毛帽`Black Feathered Hat

凉廊早餐`Breakfast in the Loggia by John Singer Sargent

凉廊早餐`Breakfast in the Loggia by John Singer Sargent

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

1888-1890年,一位年轻女子在给自己化妆`Young Woman Powdering Herself, 1888-1890 by Georges Seurat

1888-1890年,一位年轻女子在给自己化妆`Young Woman Powdering Herself, 1888-1890 by Georges Seurat

钢琴上的女人,1876年`Woman at the Piano, 1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

钢琴上的女人,1876年`Woman at the Piano, 1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

艺术家妻子的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Wife by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

艺术家妻子的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Wife by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

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