现场书画比赛目的 组图

《弗洛拉与西风》,1802年`Flora and Zephyr, 1802 by Francois Gerard

《弗洛拉与西风》,1802年`Flora and Zephyr, 1802 by Francois Gerard

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

伊莎贝尔·德·波塞尔肖像`Portrait of Isabel de Porcel

伊莎贝尔·德·波塞尔肖像`Portrait of Isabel de Porcel

女人和玫瑰`Woman and Roses by Auguste Toulmouche

女人和玫瑰`Woman and Roses by Auguste Toulmouche

蒙娜丽莎`Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

蒙娜丽莎`Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

撒母耳的鬼魂出现在扫罗面前`Ghost of Samuel Appearing to Saul by William Blake

撒母耳的鬼魂出现在扫罗面前`Ghost of Samuel Appearing to Saul by William Blake

兰斯的圣多纳提安`Saint Donatian of Reims by Albert De Vriendt

兰斯的圣多纳提安`Saint Donatian of Reims by Albert De Vriendt

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