努尔买买提画家 组图

青春初开`First Bloom of Youth by John Faed

青春初开`First Bloom of Youth by John Faed

有趣的想法`An amusing thought by Georges Croegaert

有趣的想法`An amusing thought by Georges Croegaert

菲迪莉亚·马歇尔画像`Portrait of Fidelia Marshall

菲迪莉亚·马歇尔画像`Portrait of Fidelia Marshall

莫斯科州的家谱,弗拉基米尔夫人,1668年`Genealogy of the state of Muscovy, Panegyric to Our Lady of Vladimir, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

莫斯科州的家谱,弗拉基米尔夫人,1668年`Genealogy of the state of Muscovy, Panegyric to Our Lady of Vladimir, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

基督与撒马利亚女人`Christ and the Samaritan Woman

基督与撒马利亚女人`Christ and the Samaritan Woman

艺术家的妻子`The Artists\’ Wives by James Tissot

艺术家的妻子`The Artists\’ Wives by James Tissot

神秘的水`The Mysterious Water by Ernest Bieler

神秘的水`The Mysterious Water by Ernest Bieler

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