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乔治·斯温顿夫人,伊丽莎白·埃布斯沃斯,1897年`Mrs. George Swinton, Elizabeth Ebsworth, 1897 by John Singer Sargent

乔治·斯温顿夫人,伊丽莎白·埃布斯沃斯,1897年`Mrs. George Swinton, Elizabeth Ebsworth, 1897 by John Singer Sargent

漂亮的小羊羔`Pretty Baa Lambs

漂亮的小羊羔`Pretty Baa Lambs

前Voto,1860年`Ex-Voto, 1860 by Alphonse Legros

前Voto,1860年`Ex-Voto, 1860 by Alphonse Legros

月夜,月光下的手风琴手`Night Moon, Accordion Player by Moonlight by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

月夜,月光下的手风琴手`Night Moon, Accordion Player by Moonlight by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

画家的灵感,1897年`Inspiration of the Painter, 1897 by Jacek Malczewski

画家的灵感,1897年`Inspiration of the Painter, 1897 by Jacek Malczewski

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

巧克力女孩`The Chocolate Girl

巧克力女孩`The Chocolate Girl

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