十生肖鼠的素描图片 组图

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

路易斯·艾斯纳,后来成为奥德斯卡奇公主`Luise Eisner, Later Princess Odescalchi

路易斯·艾斯纳,后来成为奥德斯卡奇公主`Luise Eisner, Later Princess Odescalchi

赞美圣母`Glorification of the Virgin by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

赞美圣母`Glorification of the Virgin by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

六翼天使,福利尼奥的麦当娜`Seraphim, Madonna of Foligno by Raphael

六翼天使,福利尼奥的麦当娜`Seraphim, Madonna of Foligno by Raphael

海滩上的人物`Figures On The Beach

海滩上的人物`Figures On The Beach

瓜达卢佩圣母,1700年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1700 by Mexican School

瓜达卢佩圣母,1700年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1700 by Mexican School

罗莎蒙德`Fair Rosamund by Arthur Hughes

罗莎蒙德`Fair Rosamund by Arthur Hughes

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