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向圣伊尔德芬索征收Chasuble税`The Imposition of the Chasuble to San Ildefonso by Andres de Islas

向圣伊尔德芬索征收Chasuble税`The Imposition of the Chasuble to San Ildefonso by Andres de Islas

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

黑圣母`The Black Madonna by Byzantine-Russian Icon

黑圣母`The Black Madonna by Byzantine-Russian Icon

卡洛·多尔奇的圣约翰圣母与孩子`Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist by Carlo Dolci by Carlo Dolci

卡洛·多尔奇的圣约翰圣母与孩子`Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist by Carlo Dolci by Carlo Dolci

卖地毯的`The Carpet Seller by Fabio Fabbi

卖地毯的`The Carpet Seller by Fabio Fabbi

阅读,演讲`Reading, The Lecture

阅读,演讲`Reading, The Lecture

跪着的女孩,双肘休息`Kneeling Girl, Resting on Both Elbows by Egon Schiele

跪着的女孩,双肘休息`Kneeling Girl, Resting on Both Elbows by Egon Schiele

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