鬼火素描图片 组图

基督与撒马利亚女人`Christ and the Samaritan Woman

基督与撒马利亚女人`Christ and the Samaritan Woman

天文学寓言,1675年`Allegory of Astronomy, 1675 by Francesco Cozza

天文学寓言,1675年`Allegory of Astronomy, 1675 by Francesco Cozza

头`Head by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

头`Head by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

年轻的乡绅`The young Squire by Heywood Hardy

年轻的乡绅`The young Squire by Heywood Hardy

粉红蝴蝶结`The pink bow by Juan Brull Vinyoles

粉红蝴蝶结`The pink bow by Juan Brull Vinyoles

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

迦特人的圣母,1650-1660年`Virgin of the Carthusians, 1650-1660 by Francisco de Zurbaran

迦特人的圣母,1650-1660年`Virgin of the Carthusians, 1650-1660 by Francisco de Zurbaran

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