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参孙和黛利拉`Samson and Delilah by Peter Paul Rubens

参孙和黛利拉`Samson and Delilah by Peter Paul Rubens

马萨诸塞州曼彻斯特鹰头`Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts

马萨诸塞州曼彻斯特鹰头`Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts

塔拉里·马鲁鲁,《带两只山羊的风景》,1897年`Tarari Maruru, Landscape with Two Goats, 1897 by Paul Gauguin

塔拉里·马鲁鲁,《带两只山羊的风景》,1897年`Tarari Maruru, Landscape with Two Goats, 1897 by Paul Gauguin

仙人掌女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with Cactus by Frederick Carl Frieseke

仙人掌女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with Cactus by Frederick Carl Frieseke

风景中的裸体`Nude in a Landscape by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

风景中的裸体`Nude in a Landscape by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

迟到者`The Latecomers by Albert Guillaume

迟到者`The Latecomers by Albert Guillaume

三个仙女和一只狍` Three Nymphs with a Roe Deer by Friedrich Konig

三个仙女和一只狍` Three Nymphs with a Roe Deer by Friedrich Konig

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