易烊千玺素描铅笔画图片 组图

《圣母与圣子与天父祝福与天使》,1370-1375年`Madonna and Child with God the Father Blessing and Angels, 1370-1375 by Jacopo di Cione

《圣母与圣子与天父祝福与天使》,1370-1375年`Madonna and Child with God the Father Blessing and Angels, 1370-1375 by Jacopo di Cione

Milliners,1901年`Milliners, 1901 by Albert Marquet

Milliners,1901年`Milliners, 1901 by Albert Marquet

晚餐号角,在海边吹响号角,1870年`The Dinner Horn, Blowing the Horn at Seaside, 1870 by Winslow Homer

晚餐号角,在海边吹响号角,1870年`The Dinner Horn, Blowing the Horn at Seaside, 1870 by Winslow Homer

Portrait of a Woman (1911)  by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

一个女人的画像` Portrait of a Woman (1911) by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

预先警告是预先准备好的`Forewarned Is Forearmed

预先警告是预先准备好的`Forewarned Is Forearmed

深思`Contemplation by Eugen von Blaas

深思`Contemplation by Eugen von Blaas

把它扔进水里,夏天还能看到它`Pitched it Sheer into the Water, Where it is still seen in the Summer by Frederic Remington

把它扔进水里,夏天还能看到它`Pitched it Sheer into the Water, Where it is still seen in the Summer by Frederic Remington

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