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约翰的启示录`Revelation of John by Francisco de Zurbaran

约翰的启示录`Revelation of John by Francisco de Zurbaran

台阶上的四个数字,1660`Four Figures on a Step, 1660 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

台阶上的四个数字,1660`Four Figures on a Step, 1660 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Johann Koerbecke

圣母的假设`The Assumption of the Virgin by Johann Koerbecke

Girl from the Jaskala Croft (1895)  by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

来自雅斯巴拉克罗夫特的女孩` Girl from the Jaskala Croft (1895) by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

箭领广告,1910年`Arrow Collar advertisement, 1910 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

箭领广告,1910年`Arrow Collar advertisement, 1910 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

天启圣母`Virgin of the Apocalypse by Miguel Cabrera

天启圣母`Virgin of the Apocalypse by Miguel Cabrera

月夜,月光下的手风琴手`Night Moon, Accordion Player by Moonlight by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

月夜,月光下的手风琴手`Night Moon, Accordion Player by Moonlight by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

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