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戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

戴着琵琶的红衣天使,1495年`An Angel in Red with a Lute, 1495 by Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

画家的灵感,1897年`Inspiration of the Painter, 1897 by Jacek Malczewski

画家的灵感,1897年`Inspiration of the Painter, 1897 by Jacek Malczewski

当世界还年轻的时候`When the World was Young  by Edward Poynter

当世界还年轻的时候`When the World was Young by Edward Poynter

在泰晤士河上`On The Thames

在泰晤士河上`On The Thames

第一夫人南希·里根的白宫官方肖像`First Lady Nancy Reagan\’s Official White House Portrait by Aaron Shikler

第一夫人南希·里根的白宫官方肖像`First Lady Nancy Reagan\’s Official White House Portrait by Aaron Shikler

抄写员`The Scribe

抄写员`The Scribe

1838年,穆里洛在塞维利亚的方济各修道院为圣母画像`Murillo Painting the Virgin in the Franciscan Convent at Seville, 1838 by John Frederick Lewis

1838年,穆里洛在塞维利亚的方济各修道院为圣母画像`Murillo Painting the Virgin in the Franciscan Convent at Seville, 1838 by John Frederick Lewis

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