人物素描男生帅气图片 组图

博亚琳娜`Boyarina by Konstantin Yegorovich Makovsky

博亚琳娜`Boyarina by Konstantin Yegorovich Makovsky

王子的婚姻`Marriage of the Prince by Cesare Auguste Detti

王子的婚姻`Marriage of the Prince by Cesare Auguste Detti

公园里的夏日`Summer Day in the Park by Leo Putz

公园里的夏日`Summer Day in the Park by Leo Putz

对死去的基督的哀悼`The Lamentation Over The Dead Christ

对死去的基督的哀悼`The Lamentation Over The Dead Christ

抽水果的吉普赛人`Smoking Gypsy With Fruit

抽水果的吉普赛人`Smoking Gypsy With Fruit

一个不知名女人的肖像,拉贝尔·费伦尼耶,1496年`Portrait of an Unknown Woman, La belle ferronniere, 1496 by Leonardo da Vinci

一个不知名女人的肖像,拉贝尔·费伦尼耶,1496年`Portrait of an Unknown Woman, La belle ferronniere, 1496 by Leonardo da Vinci

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,详图2`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, Detail No.2 by Peter Paul Rubens

圣奥古斯丁基督与圣母之间,详图2`Saint Augustine Between Christ And The Virgin, Detail No.2 by Peter Paul Rubens

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