男士短发素描图片 组图

玛格丽特`Marguerite by Hugues Merle

玛格丽特`Marguerite by Hugues Merle

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Steiler

卡特琳娜·罗莎·博萨里斯`Katerina Rosa Botsaris by Joseph Karl Steiler

一位年轻女子躺着的肖像,1897-1898年`Portrait of a Young Woman Reclining, 1897-1898 by Gustav Klimt

一位年轻女子躺着的肖像,1897-1898年`Portrait of a Young Woman Reclining, 1897-1898 by Gustav Klimt

秋千`The Swing by Etienne Dinet

秋千`The Swing by Etienne Dinet

Woman in a Garden (1882 83)  by Berthe Morisot

妇女在庭院里` Woman in a Garden (1882 83) by Berthe Morisot

多洛丽丝·霍约斯肖像`Portrait of Dolores Hoyos by Hermenegildo Bustos

多洛丽丝·霍约斯肖像`Portrait of Dolores Hoyos by Hermenegildo Bustos

女裁缝`The Seamstress by Joseph DeCamp

女裁缝`The Seamstress by Joseph DeCamp

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