现在买那些画家的画以后值钱 组图

参观村庄的老师`Teacher Visiting A Village

参观村庄的老师`Teacher Visiting A Village

《圣母的假设》,1577年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577 by El Greco

《圣母的假设》,1577年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577 by El Greco

约瑟芬针织`Josephine Knitting by Edmund Tarbell

约瑟芬针织`Josephine Knitting by Edmund Tarbell

一位年轻女子的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman by Amedeo Modigliani

一位年轻女子的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman by Amedeo Modigliani

采摘玫瑰的人`The Rose Picker by Anton Romako

采摘玫瑰的人`The Rose Picker by Anton Romako

狩猎的早晨`A hunting morn by Heywood Hardy

狩猎的早晨`A hunting morn by Heywood Hardy

玛蒂尔德·汤森小姐画像`Portrait of Miss Mathilde Townsend by John Singer Sargent

玛蒂尔德·汤森小姐画像`Portrait of Miss Mathilde Townsend by John Singer Sargent

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