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环球展览观`View of the Universal Exhibition by Edouard Manet

环球展览观`View of the Universal Exhibition by Edouard Manet

躺着的女士`A Reclining Lady by James Tissot

躺着的女士`A Reclining Lady by James Tissot

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

菊花`Chrysanthemums by James Tissot

菊花`Chrysanthemums by James Tissot

在海滩上骑驴子`Riding Donkeys on the Beach by Isaac Israels

在海滩上骑驴子`Riding Donkeys on the Beach by Isaac Israels

在马提尼克岛的河岸上`On the Banks of the River at Martinique by Paul Gauguin

在马提尼克岛的河岸上`On the Banks of the River at Martinique by Paul Gauguin

沙漏,1905年`The Hourglass, 1905 by Evelyn De Morgan

沙漏,1905年`The Hourglass, 1905 by Evelyn De Morgan

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