在游戏当画家然后卖钱的 组图

围绕着钢琴`Around the Piano by Albert Aublet

围绕着钢琴`Around the Piano by Albert Aublet

庞贝夫人,1889年`Pompeian lady, 1889 by Jose Rico Cejudo

庞贝夫人,1889年`Pompeian lady, 1889 by Jose Rico Cejudo

荷兰女人站在左边的沙丘上`Dutchwoman, standing in the dunes to the left by Max Liebermann

荷兰女人站在左边的沙丘上`Dutchwoman, standing in the dunes to the left by Max Liebermann

1877年,咖啡馆露台上的女人`Women on the Terrace of a Coffeehouse, 1877 by Edgar Degas

1877年,咖啡馆露台上的女人`Women on the Terrace of a Coffeehouse, 1877 by Edgar Degas

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

Il Penseroso,1845年绘制`Il Penseroso, Painted in 1845 by Thomas Cole

Il Penseroso,1845年绘制`Il Penseroso, Painted in 1845 by Thomas Cole

美洲土著妇女战争首领美丽的鼻子,阿拉帕霍女人`Native American Woman War Chief Pretty Nose, Arapaho Woman by American School

美洲土著妇女战争首领美丽的鼻子,阿拉帕霍女人`Native American Woman War Chief Pretty Nose, Arapaho Woman by American School

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