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沙洛特夫人`The Lady of Shalott by John Atkinson Grimshaw

沙洛特夫人`The Lady of Shalott by John Atkinson Grimshaw

圣母玛利亚,耶稣的母亲`Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus by Giovanni Battista Salvi Sassoferrato

圣母玛利亚,耶稣的母亲`Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus by Giovanni Battista Salvi Sassoferrato

报喜天使`Angel of the Annunciation by Guido Reni

报喜天使`Angel of the Annunciation by Guido Reni

西蒂斯给阿喀琉斯带来了盔甲`Thetis Bringing Armor To Achilles

西蒂斯给阿喀琉斯带来了盔甲`Thetis Bringing Armor To Achilles

一个女人和两个男人喝酒`A Woman Drinking with Two Men by Pieter de Hooch

一个女人和两个男人喝酒`A Woman Drinking with Two Men by Pieter de Hooch

所罗门小姐`The Misses Salomon

所罗门小姐`The Misses Salomon

女人在梳妆`Woman At Her Toilette

女人在梳妆`Woman At Her Toilette

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