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一个法兰克女人和她的仆人`A Frankish Woman and Her Servant

一个法兰克女人和她的仆人`A Frankish Woman and Her Servant

在塞纳河畔,本尼库尔,1868年`On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt, 1868 by Claude Monet

在塞纳河畔,本尼库尔,1868年`On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt, 1868 by Claude Monet

顺便`The Way

顺便`The Way

地中海游艇`Yachting in the Mediterranean

地中海游艇`Yachting in the Mediterranean

1921年探索的结束`The End of the Quest, 1921 by Frank Dicksee

1921年探索的结束`The End of the Quest, 1921 by Frank Dicksee

将圣凯瑟琳的遗体抬到西奈山的天使`Angels Bearing the Body of Saint Catherine to Mount Sinai by Old Master

将圣凯瑟琳的遗体抬到西奈山的天使`Angels Bearing the Body of Saint Catherine to Mount Sinai by Old Master

眼睛盯着锡盘子,圣露西`Eyeballs on a Pewter Dish, Saint Lucy by Francisco de Zurbaran

眼睛盯着锡盘子,圣露西`Eyeballs on a Pewter Dish, Saint Lucy by Francisco de Zurbaran

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