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《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Jean Frederic Bazille

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Jean Frederic Bazille

玛丽·艾玛·琼斯`Mary Emma Jones by Emma Sandys

玛丽·艾玛·琼斯`Mary Emma Jones by Emma Sandys

在Mouquin\’s`At Mouquin\’s

在Mouquin\’s`At Mouquin\’s

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

Milliners,1901年`Milliners, 1901 by Albert Marquet

Milliners,1901年`Milliners, 1901 by Albert Marquet

慕尼黑女孩,1884年`Munich Girl, 1884 by Theodore Clement Steele

慕尼黑女孩,1884年`Munich Girl, 1884 by Theodore Clement Steele

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

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