皇上只凭字画和折扇 组图

拿着花瓶的女人,1903年`Woman with a Vase of Flowers, 1903 by Odilon Redon

拿着花瓶的女人,1903年`Woman with a Vase of Flowers, 1903 by Odilon Redon

小考珀麦当娜,1505年`Small Cowper Madonna, 1505 by Raphael

小考珀麦当娜,1505年`Small Cowper Madonna, 1505 by Raphael



拿扇子的女士`The Lady with a Fan by Diego Valzquez

拿扇子的女士`The Lady with a Fan by Diego Valzquez

对东方三博士的崇拜,16世纪`The Adoration of the Magi, 16th Century by Hieronymus Bosch

对东方三博士的崇拜,16世纪`The Adoration of the Magi, 16th Century by Hieronymus Bosch

哀悼的女人`Mourning Woman

哀悼的女人`Mourning Woman

两个女孩`Two Girls

两个女孩`Two Girls

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