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以撒的仆人把手镯系在丽贝卡的胳膊上`Isaac\’s Servant Tying The Bracelet On Rebecca\’s Arm

以撒的仆人把手镯系在丽贝卡的胳膊上`Isaac\’s Servant Tying The Bracelet On Rebecca\’s Arm

耶稣受难,圣母玛利亚和福音传道者圣约翰哀悼,耶稣受难二连体画`The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, Crucifixion Diptych by Rogier van der Weyden

耶稣受难,圣母玛利亚和福音传道者圣约翰哀悼,耶稣受难二连体画`The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, Crucifixion Diptych by Rogier van der Weyden

蓬帕杜夫人,1754年`Madame de Pompadour, 1754 by Francois Boucher

蓬帕杜夫人,1754年`Madame de Pompadour, 1754 by Francois Boucher

Portrait of a Woman (1911)  by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

一个女人的画像` Portrait of a Woman (1911) by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

圣母玛利亚的诞生`The Birth of the Virgin Mary by Andres Lopez

圣母玛利亚的诞生`The Birth of the Virgin Mary by Andres Lopez

凯瑟琳` Catherine

凯瑟琳` Catherine

女性肖像,1852年`Female portrait, 1852 by Alexandre Calame

女性肖像,1852年`Female portrait, 1852 by Alexandre Calame

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