嵩山少林寺方丈字画 组图

在灯光下看书的女士`A Lady Reading by Lamplight by Carl Vilhelm Holsoe

在灯光下看书的女士`A Lady Reading by Lamplight by Carl Vilhelm Holsoe

沉思的`Pensive by Delphin Enjolras

沉思的`Pensive by Delphin Enjolras

丘比特和普赛克在婚礼的凉亭里,1793年`Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower, 1793 by Hugh Douglas Hamilton

丘比特和普赛克在婚礼的凉亭里,1793年`Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower, 1793 by Hugh Douglas Hamilton

弗拉明戈舞者`The Flamenco Dancer by Leopold Schmutzler

弗拉明戈舞者`The Flamenco Dancer by Leopold Schmutzler

打谷牛,西维塔·德安蒂诺`Threshing Oxen, Civita d\’Antino by Peter Hansen

打谷牛,西维塔·德安蒂诺`Threshing Oxen, Civita d\’Antino by Peter Hansen

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Jean Frederic Bazille

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Jean Frederic Bazille

Tivoli的记忆`Ricordo di Tivoli

Tivoli的记忆`Ricordo di Tivoli

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