包头市收字画的地方 组图

女的`Female by Egon Schiele

女的`Female by Egon Schiele

玛格丽特·斯图伊文森特·卢瑟福·怀特肖像`Portrait of Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherfurd White by John Singer Sargent

玛格丽特·斯图伊文森特·卢瑟福·怀特肖像`Portrait of Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherfurd White by John Singer Sargent

《神圣家庭》,1820年`The Holy Family, 1820 by Joseph Paelinck

《神圣家庭》,1820年`The Holy Family, 1820 by Joseph Paelinck

一位年轻女子的肖像,西蒙内塔·维斯普奇作为仙女的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman, Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci as Nymph by Sandro Botticelli

一位年轻女子的肖像,西蒙内塔·维斯普奇作为仙女的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman, Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci as Nymph by Sandro Botticelli

绝望的洞穴`The Cave of Despair by Benjamin West

绝望的洞穴`The Cave of Despair by Benjamin West

1899年10月30日Strandgade室内`Interior, Strandgade 30, 1899 by Vilhelm Hammershoi

1899年10月30日Strandgade室内`Interior, Strandgade 30, 1899 by Vilhelm Hammershoi

拉拉小姐在马戏团费尔南多,1879年`Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879 by Edgar Degas

拉拉小姐在马戏团费尔南多,1879年`Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879 by Edgar Degas

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