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贾可夫人-路易斯·勒布朗`Madame Jacques – Louis Leblanc

贾可夫人-路易斯·勒布朗`Madame Jacques – Louis Leblanc

寓言少女`Allegorical Maiden by George Dunlop Leslie

寓言少女`Allegorical Maiden by George Dunlop Leslie

当骑士身份盛开时`When Knighthood was in Flower by Howard Chandler Christy

当骑士身份盛开时`When Knighthood was in Flower by Howard Chandler Christy

托莱多的埃莉奥娜拉`Eleonara di Toledo by Agnolo Bronzino

托莱多的埃莉奥娜拉`Eleonara di Toledo by Agnolo Bronzino

飞鱼`Flying Fish by Herbert James Draper

飞鱼`Flying Fish by Herbert James Draper

大天使加百列`Archangel Gabriel by Jan van Eyck

大天使加百列`Archangel Gabriel by Jan van Eyck

1931年,美国禁酒,藏瓶朗姆酒`U. S. Alcohol Prohibition, conceal Bottles of Rum, 1931 by American History

1931年,美国禁酒,藏瓶朗姆酒`U. S. Alcohol Prohibition, conceal Bottles of Rum, 1931 by American History

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