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古典美`A Classical Beauty by Leon Francois Comerre

古典美`A Classical Beauty by Leon Francois Comerre

贝多芬的雕带,敌对势力`Beethoven Frieze, The Hostile Powers by Gustav Klimt

贝多芬的雕带,敌对势力`Beethoven Frieze, The Hostile Powers by Gustav Klimt

《哈姆雷特》第三幕第二场`The Play Scene In Hamlet – Act IIi Scene 2

《哈姆雷特》第三幕第二场`The Play Scene In Hamlet – Act IIi Scene 2

奥菲莉亚,1910年`Ophelia, 1910 by John William Waterhouse

奥菲莉亚,1910年`Ophelia, 1910 by John William Waterhouse

耶稣受难,圣母玛利亚和福音传道者圣约翰哀悼,耶稣受难二连体画`The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, Crucifixion Diptych by Rogier van der Weyden

耶稣受难,圣母玛利亚和福音传道者圣约翰哀悼,耶稣受难二连体画`The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Mourning, Crucifixion Diptych by Rogier van der Weyden

西斯廷教堂Delphic Sibyl`Delphic Sibyl, Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

西斯廷教堂Delphic Sibyl`Delphic Sibyl, Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

麦当娜和孩子,1633年`Madonna and Child, 1633 by Simon Vouet

麦当娜和孩子,1633年`Madonna and Child, 1633 by Simon Vouet

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