刺绣荷包莱杉山水字画 组图

《一位女士的画像》,1916-1917年`Portrait of a Lady, 1916-1917 by Gustav Klimt

《一位女士的画像》,1916-1917年`Portrait of a Lady, 1916-1917 by Gustav Klimt

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

田园风光,L\’Aimable田园,1762年`A Pastoral Scene, L\’Aimable Pastorale, 1762 by Francois Boucher

田园风光,L\’Aimable田园,1762年`A Pastoral Scene, L\’Aimable Pastorale, 1762 by Francois Boucher

尝糖`Tasting The Sugar

尝糖`Tasting The Sugar

艾米莉·弗洛奇肖像`Portrait of Emilie Floge

艾米莉·弗洛奇肖像`Portrait of Emilie Floge

《情书》,约1750年`The Love Letter, c. 1750 by Francois Boucher

《情书》,约1750年`The Love Letter, c. 1750 by Francois Boucher

威斯哈特鼓吹反对马里奥拉特里`Wishart Preaching against Mariolatry  by William Fettes Douglas

威斯哈特鼓吹反对马里奥拉特里`Wishart Preaching against Mariolatry by William Fettes Douglas

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