著名国家字画鉴定师 组图

在巴黎郊区`In the Outskirts of Paris

在巴黎郊区`In the Outskirts of Paris

死亡天使,1851年`Angel of Death, 1851 by Horace Vernet

死亡天使,1851年`Angel of Death, 1851 by Horace Vernet

An exhibition of selected skills of the unemployed Div. of Womens and Professional Projects (1936)  by Richard Halls

妇女的失业者所选技能展览。理查德大厅的S和专业项目` An exhibition of selected skills of the unemployed Div. of Womens and Professional Projects (1936) by Richard Halls

在酒吧里`In the Bar

在酒吧里`In the Bar

亨丽特·吉尔什曼肖像`Portrait o Henriette Girshman

亨丽特·吉尔什曼肖像`Portrait o Henriette Girshman

我们的护士玛格丽特·伯吉斯的画像,1929年`Portrait of Our Nurse, Margaret Burgess, 1929 by Florine Stettheimer

我们的护士玛格丽特·伯吉斯的画像,1929年`Portrait of Our Nurse, Margaret Burgess, 1929 by Florine Stettheimer

蒙着面纱的云`The Veiled Cloud by Charles Courtney Curran

蒙着面纱的云`The Veiled Cloud by Charles Courtney Curran

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