秋天图片景色图片伤感 组图

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

雨后`After the Rain by Charles Courtney Curran

雨后`After the Rain by Charles Courtney Curran

下午在海滩`Afternoon at the Beach by Frederick Carl Frieseke

下午在海滩`Afternoon at the Beach by Frederick Carl Frieseke

月夜,月光下的手风琴手`Night Moon, Accordion Player by Moonlight by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

月夜,月光下的手风琴手`Night Moon, Accordion Player by Moonlight by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

瓜达卢佩圣母`Virgin of Guadalupe by Antonio de Torres

瓜达卢佩圣母`Virgin of Guadalupe by Antonio de Torres

有香烟的模特`Model having a Cigarette by Robert Lundberg

有香烟的模特`Model having a Cigarette by Robert Lundberg

一位西里西亚女人的家庭奉献`House Devotion from a Silesian Woman by Richard Nitsch

一位西里西亚女人的家庭奉献`House Devotion from a Silesian Woman by Richard Nitsch

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