字画拍卖师考 组图

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

五个怪诞的脑袋和三个侧面的男人脑袋`Five Grotesque heads, and three Heads of men in profile by Leonardo da Vinci

五个怪诞的脑袋和三个侧面的男人脑袋`Five Grotesque heads, and three Heads of men in profile by Leonardo da Vinci

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

窗边的女人,1822年`Woman at a Window, 1822 by Caspar David Friedrich

窗边的女人,1822年`Woman at a Window, 1822 by Caspar David Friedrich

我们的避难夫人`Our Lady of Refuge by Joseph de Paez

我们的避难夫人`Our Lady of Refuge by Joseph de Paez

松木研究`A Pine Wood Study

松木研究`A Pine Wood Study

《圣母与圣杰罗姆、圣贝纳迪诺和天使的孩子》,1460-1470年`Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome, Saint Bernardino, and Angels, 1460-1470 by Sano di Pietro

《圣母与圣杰罗姆、圣贝纳迪诺和天使的孩子》,1460-1470年`Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome, Saint Bernardino, and Angels, 1460-1470 by Sano di Pietro

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