秋天落叶和大雁南飞的图片 组图

在花园里`In the Garden by Konstantin Korovin

在花园里`In the Garden by Konstantin Korovin

摘苹果`Picking Apples

摘苹果`Picking Apples

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

一个拿着一本音乐书的女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music

一个拿着一本音乐书的女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music

弗里达·希夫`Frieda Schiff

弗里达·希夫`Frieda Schiff

年轻妇女和儿童`Young Woman And Child

年轻妇女和儿童`Young Woman And Child

勒达负责人,1505-1508`Head of Leda, 1505-1508 by Leonardo da Vinci

勒达负责人,1505-1508`Head of Leda, 1505-1508 by Leonardo da Vinci

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