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收尾工作`The finishing touches by Georges Croegaert

收尾工作`The finishing touches by Georges Croegaert

珠子,沙发上的两个女人`Beads, Two Women on a Sofa by Albert Joseph Moore

珠子,沙发上的两个女人`Beads, Two Women on a Sofa by Albert Joseph Moore

潘多拉被四季加冕`Pandora Crowned by the Seasons by William Etty

潘多拉被四季加冕`Pandora Crowned by the Seasons by William Etty

哈里通科姐妹的画像`Portrait Of The Kharitonenko Sisters

哈里通科姐妹的画像`Portrait Of The Kharitonenko Sisters

Leonie Rose Charbuy Davy肖像`Portrait of Leonie Rose Charbuy-Davy by Vincent Van Gogh

Leonie Rose Charbuy Davy肖像`Portrait of Leonie Rose Charbuy-Davy by Vincent Van Gogh

神圣家庭,1887年`The Holy Family, 1887 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

神圣家庭,1887年`The Holy Family, 1887 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

后宫女孩们在阳台上休息,远处的海岸`Harem girls resting on a terrace, the coast beyond by Fabio Fabbi

后宫女孩们在阳台上休息,远处的海岸`Harem girls resting on a terrace, the coast beyond by Fabio Fabbi

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