秋天旅游心情说说感悟生活图片 组图

芭丝谢芭在洗澡`Bathsheba at Her Bath

芭丝谢芭在洗澡`Bathsheba at Her Bath

维珍通告,1450-1455`Virgin Annunciate, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

维珍通告,1450-1455`Virgin Annunciate, 1450-1455 by Fra Angelico

带小马驹和梗的母马`Broodmare With Foal And A Terrier

带小马驹和梗的母马`Broodmare With Foal And A Terrier

奥菲莉亚,大约1895年`Ophelia, circa 1895 by Paul Albert Steck

奥菲莉亚,大约1895年`Ophelia, circa 1895 by Paul Albert Steck

特洛伊的海伦`Helen of Troy by Dante Charles Gabriel Rossetti

特洛伊的海伦`Helen of Troy by Dante Charles Gabriel Rossetti

美国克利夫兰夫人`A Lady of Cleveland USA

美国克利夫兰夫人`A Lady of Cleveland USA

伊迪丝穿着条纹连衣裙坐着`Edith with Striped Dress, Sitting by Egon Schiele

伊迪丝穿着条纹连衣裙坐着`Edith with Striped Dress, Sitting by Egon Schiele

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