书房适合放家里的字画 组图

接待来访者的女士`A Lady Receiving Visitors

接待来访者的女士`A Lady Receiving Visitors

布林希尔德发现了西格兰和西格蒙德`The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Siegland and Sigmund by Gaston Bussiere

布林希尔德发现了西格兰和西格蒙德`The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Siegland and Sigmund by Gaston Bussiere

夏天`Summer by Alfred Stevens

夏天`Summer by Alfred Stevens



一个女人站在大键琴前,一个男人坐在她旁边`A Woman standing at a Harpsichord, a Man seated by her by Jacob Ochtervelt

一个女人站在大键琴前,一个男人坐在她旁边`A Woman standing at a Harpsichord, a Man seated by her by Jacob Ochtervelt

雨伞,1881-1886`The Umbrellas, 1881-1886 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

雨伞,1881-1886`The Umbrellas, 1881-1886 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

伊丽莎白·巴乔芬·埃希特男爵夫人画像,1914-1916年`Portrait of Baroness Elisabeth Bachofen Echt, 1914-1916 by Gustav Klimt

伊丽莎白·巴乔芬·埃希特男爵夫人画像,1914-1916年`Portrait of Baroness Elisabeth Bachofen Echt, 1914-1916 by Gustav Klimt

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