七古咏蛙古诗字画 组图

受祝福的达莫泽尔,1895年`The Blessed Damozel, 1895 by Byam Shaw

受祝福的达莫泽尔,1895年`The Blessed Damozel, 1895 by Byam Shaw

夏天的海边`By summer seas by Herbert James Draper

夏天的海边`By summer seas by Herbert James Draper

挪威吉维尼的船`The Boat at Giverny, In the Norwegian by Claude Monet

挪威吉维尼的船`The Boat at Giverny, In the Norwegian by Claude Monet

一位年轻女子在一篇关于冬天的火盆寓言中暖手`A Young Woman Warming her Hands over a Brazier Allegory of Winter by Caesar Boethius van Everdingen

一位年轻女子在一篇关于冬天的火盆寓言中暖手`A Young Woman Warming her Hands over a Brazier Allegory of Winter by Caesar Boethius van Everdingen

1426年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1426 by Fra Angelico

1426年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1426 by Fra Angelico

1899年10月30日Strandgade室内`Interior, Strandgade 30, 1899 by Vilhelm Hammershoi

1899年10月30日Strandgade室内`Interior, Strandgade 30, 1899 by Vilhelm Hammershoi

老渔夫的妻子`An Old Fisherman\’s Wife by Anna Ancher

老渔夫的妻子`An Old Fisherman\’s Wife by Anna Ancher

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