自学字画修复 组图

仲夏`Mid summer day by Oscar Bluhm

仲夏`Mid summer day by Oscar Bluhm

1490年《赞美圣母》`The Glorification of the Virgin, 1490 by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

1490年《赞美圣母》`The Glorification of the Virgin, 1490 by Geertgen tot Sint Jans

《通告》,1450年`The Annunciation, 1450 by Fra Angelico

《通告》,1450年`The Annunciation, 1450 by Fra Angelico

Woman in Profile, Seated in a Chair (1909)  by Egon Schiele

在外形的妇女,在肉播种` Woman in Profile, Seated in a Chair (1909) by Egon Schiele



理想化的一位女士肖像,1480年`Idealized Portrait of a Lady, 1480 by Sandro Botticelli

理想化的一位女士肖像,1480年`Idealized Portrait of a Lady, 1480 by Sandro Botticelli

圣女贞德`Joan Of Arc

圣女贞德`Joan Of Arc

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