幼儿园大班美术教案我的名字画 组图

洛雷托的麦当娜,1604年`Madonna of Loreto, 1604 by Caravaggio

洛雷托的麦当娜,1604年`Madonna of Loreto, 1604 by Caravaggio

被猎杀的奴隶`The Hunted Slaves

被猎杀的奴隶`The Hunted Slaves

路易莎巷`Louisa Lane

路易莎巷`Louisa Lane

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

圣安妮和婴儿施洗约翰的神圣家庭,1595-1600年`The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist, 1595-1600 by El Greco

圣母与圣人伯纳德、伯纳迪诺和天使一起崇拜基督的孩子`The Virgin in Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Bernard and Bernardino and Angels by Sano di Pietro

圣母与圣人伯纳德、伯纳迪诺和天使一起崇拜基督的孩子`The Virgin in Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Bernard and Bernardino and Angels by Sano di Pietro

歌手`The Singer by Madrazo y Garreta

歌手`The Singer by Madrazo y Garreta

《圣母报》,1610年`The Virgin of the Annunciation, 1610 by Pierfrancesco Mazzucchelli

《圣母报》,1610年`The Virgin of the Annunciation, 1610 by Pierfrancesco Mazzucchelli

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