南方的秋天图片 组图

接待来访者的女士`A Lady Receiving Vistors

接待来访者的女士`A Lady Receiving Vistors

阿德里安·伊塞林夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Adrian Iselin by John Singer Sargent

阿德里安·伊塞林夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Adrian Iselin by John Singer Sargent

带花的女孩`Girl with Flowers by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

带花的女孩`Girl with Flowers by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

瓦欣没有杀你,1892年`Vahine no te Miti, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

瓦欣没有杀你,1892年`Vahine no te Miti, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

玛丽·范顿·罗伯茨`Mary Fanton Roberts

玛丽·范顿·罗伯茨`Mary Fanton Roberts

把它扔进水里,夏天还能看到它`Pitched it Sheer into the Water, Where it is still seen in the Summer by Frederic Remington

把它扔进水里,夏天还能看到它`Pitched it Sheer into the Water, Where it is still seen in the Summer by Frederic Remington

夏日午后`Summer Afternoon by Winslow Homer

夏日午后`Summer Afternoon by Winslow Homer

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