公园拍卖字画 组图

一个打扮成猎人的孩子带着死鸟和死狗`A Child Dressed As A Hunter With Dead Bird And Dog

一个打扮成猎人的孩子带着死鸟和死狗`A Child Dressed As A Hunter With Dead Bird And Dog

米莉森特·勒沃森的肖像——萨瑟兰公爵夫人高尔`Portrait Of Millicent Leverson – Gower, Duchess Of Sutherland

米莉森特·勒沃森的肖像——萨瑟兰公爵夫人高尔`Portrait Of Millicent Leverson – Gower, Duchess Of Sutherland

第一次圣餐`First Communion by Caroline Augusta Lord

第一次圣餐`First Communion by Caroline Augusta Lord

1508年,麦当娜与婴儿圣约翰之子`Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John, 1508 by Raphael

1508年,麦当娜与婴儿圣约翰之子`Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John, 1508 by Raphael

受祝福的达莫泽尔,1895年`The Blessed Damozel, 1895 by John Byam Liston Shaw

受祝福的达莫泽尔,1895年`The Blessed Damozel, 1895 by John Byam Liston Shaw

公告`The Annunciation by James Tissot

公告`The Annunciation by James Tissot

早上的车程`The Morning Ride by James Tissot

早上的车程`The Morning Ride by James Tissot

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