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穿着巴黎长袍的巴黎女士`Parisian Lady In A Peignoir

穿着巴黎长袍的巴黎女士`Parisian Lady In A Peignoir

Little girl with a red ribbon (1919)  by Tadeusz Makowski

有红色丝带的小女孩` Little girl with a red ribbon (1919) by Tadeusz Makowski

拉维尼亚·范维克登`Lavinia van Vechten

拉维尼亚·范维克登`Lavinia van Vechten

罗克瑙的阿格纽夫人,1892年`Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, 1892 by John Singer Sargent

罗克瑙的阿格纽夫人,1892年`Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, 1892 by John Singer Sargent

穿着薄纱衬衫和黑色裙子的女人`Woman in Tulle Blouse and Black Skirt by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

穿着薄纱衬衫和黑色裙子的女人`Woman in Tulle Blouse and Black Skirt by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

国王的崇拜`The Adoration of the Kings by Carlo Dolci

国王的崇拜`The Adoration of the Kings by Carlo Dolci

在科里达`At the Corrida by Jehan Georges Vibert

在科里达`At the Corrida by Jehan Georges Vibert

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