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英国轻巡洋舰上晕船`Sea Sickness On An English Corvette

英国轻巡洋舰上晕船`Sea Sickness On An English Corvette

孤儿女孩走进医院的食堂`Orphan Girls Entering the Refectory of a Hospital by Frederick Cayley Robinson

孤儿女孩走进医院的食堂`Orphan Girls Entering the Refectory of a Hospital by Frederick Cayley Robinson

1627年,艺术家的妻子维吉尼亚·达·维佐饰演马格达伦`Virginia da Vezzo, the Artist\’s Wife, as the Magdalen, 1627 by Simon Vouet

1627年,艺术家的妻子维吉尼亚·达·维佐饰演马格达伦`Virginia da Vezzo, the Artist\’s Wife, as the Magdalen, 1627 by Simon Vouet

新帽子`The New Bonnet by Francis William Edmonds

新帽子`The New Bonnet by Francis William Edmonds

沃尔德格拉夫夫人`The Ladies Waldegrave

沃尔德格拉夫夫人`The Ladies Waldegrave

有牧羊人的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with a Shepherd by Titian

有牧羊人的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with a Shepherd by Titian

一位老妇人,丑陋的公爵夫人,1513年`An Old Woman, The Ugly Duchess, 1513 by Quinten Massys

一位老妇人,丑陋的公爵夫人,1513年`An Old Woman, The Ugly Duchess, 1513 by Quinten Massys

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