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托比特和安娜带着孩子`Tobit and Anna with the Kid

托比特和安娜带着孩子`Tobit and Anna with the Kid

格特鲁德·范德比尔特小姐`Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt by John Everett Millais

格特鲁德·范德比尔特小姐`Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt by John Everett Millais

魔法花园,1917年`The Enchanted Garden, 1917 by John William Waterhouse

魔法花园,1917年`The Enchanted Garden, 1917 by John William Waterhouse

她一贯的关心`Her Constant Care by Frederick Morgan

她一贯的关心`Her Constant Care by Frederick Morgan

木星被维纳斯斥责`Jupiter Rebuked By Venus

木星被维纳斯斥责`Jupiter Rebuked By Venus

圣母与圣人伯纳德、伯纳迪诺和天使一起崇拜基督的孩子`The Virgin in Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Bernard and Bernardino and Angels by Sano di Pietro

圣母与圣人伯纳德、伯纳迪诺和天使一起崇拜基督的孩子`The Virgin in Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Bernard and Bernardino and Angels by Sano di Pietro

阿波罗和灶神星`Apollo and Vesta by Francois Andre Vincent

阿波罗和灶神星`Apollo and Vesta by Francois Andre Vincent

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