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1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

有骑马习惯的女人`Woman In A Riding Habit

有骑马习惯的女人`Woman In A Riding Habit

安静的宠物`The Quiet Pet

安静的宠物`The Quiet Pet

1508年,麦当娜与婴儿圣约翰之子`Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John, 1508 by Raphael

1508年,麦当娜与婴儿圣约翰之子`Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John, 1508 by Raphael

女子与孩子`The Virgin And Child

女子与孩子`The Virgin And Child

靠窗看书的女人`Woman Reading a Book by a Window by Gabriel Metsu

靠窗看书的女人`Woman Reading a Book by a Window by Gabriel Metsu

五个怪诞的脑袋和三个侧面的男人脑袋`Five Grotesque heads, and three Heads of men in profile by Leonardo da Vinci

五个怪诞的脑袋和三个侧面的男人脑袋`Five Grotesque heads, and three Heads of men in profile by Leonardo da Vinci

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