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Profile of a Womans Head by Henry Ossawa Tanner

女人;首领` Profile of a Womans Head by Henry Ossawa Tanner

礼拜铜蛇`The Brazen Serpent by Corrado Giaquinto

礼拜铜蛇`The Brazen Serpent by Corrado Giaquinto

圣母、耶稣和圣约翰浸信会`The Virgin, Jesus And Saint John Baptist by William Adolphe Bouguereau

圣母、耶稣和圣约翰浸信会`The Virgin, Jesus And Saint John Baptist by William Adolphe Bouguereau

一幅绘有一位年轻女子肖像的特朗普·欧伊尔画作`A trompe-l\’oeil painting with the portrait of a young woman by Justus Juncker

一幅绘有一位年轻女子肖像的特朗普·欧伊尔画作`A trompe-l\’oeil painting with the portrait of a young woman by Justus Juncker

海边的年轻女孩`Young Girls by the Seashore

海边的年轻女孩`Young Girls by the Seashore

无瑕受孕,1632年`Immaculate Conception, 1632 by Francisco de Zurbaran

无瑕受孕,1632年`Immaculate Conception, 1632 by Francisco de Zurbaran

月光,1893年`Moonlight, 1893 by Edvard Munch

月光,1893年`Moonlight, 1893 by Edvard Munch

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