宋克君字画拍卖 组图

漂浮在河的妇女殷勤`Woman Floating in a River Attended by Two Female Spirits (c. 1895)   by Frederick Trapp Friis

漂浮在河的妇女殷勤`Woman Floating in a River Attended by Two Female Spirits (c. 1895) by Frederick Trapp Friis

穿黄色连衣裙的女士`The Lady in the Yellow Dress by Charles Edward Perugini

穿黄色连衣裙的女士`The Lady in the Yellow Dress by Charles Edward Perugini

Woman Dancing with Her Head Thrown Back, rear view (ca. 1890 – 1917)  by Auguste Rodin

跳舞与她的头的妇女跳回来,背面图` Woman Dancing with Her Head Thrown Back, rear view (ca. 1890 – 1917) by Auguste Rodin

诺曼底的确认人`A Confirmee in Normandy by Elisabeth Keyser

诺曼底的确认人`A Confirmee in Normandy by Elisabeth Keyser

圣塞巴斯蒂安由圣艾琳照料`Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene by Vicente Lopez Portana

圣塞巴斯蒂安由圣艾琳照料`Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene by Vicente Lopez Portana

幻想`Reverie by Alice Emily Donkin

幻想`Reverie by Alice Emily Donkin

母亲身份,1899-1900`Motherhood, 1899-1900 by Maurice Denis

母亲身份,1899-1900`Motherhood, 1899-1900 by Maurice Denis

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